Ms. Aine McNamara and her First Class and Mr. John Tuohy (Principal), St. Paul's School

Ms. Aine McNamara and her First Class and Mr. John Tuohy (Principal), St. Paul’s School with Mr. Dan Corbett, Irish Red Cross, Limerick.

The Irish Red Cross launched a fundraising drive today, during the 75th Anniversary of the Irish Red Cross in Limerick, seeking schools help in raising much needed funds to support their work both at home and abroad.

Migration Crisis

As you will be aware, Mediterranean ports and border crossings in the Western Balkans are overwhelmed with the number of people arriving from the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. In this migration crisis, over 5,000 people have already died in the Mediterranean and many more on land routes to Europe.

The Red Cross is at the forefront of the humanitarian aid operation in places like Italy, Greece, Hungary, Serbia and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia providing food, water, shelter, hygiene kits and medical treatment centres. We also provide psychosocial support for the many people who have endured dangerous journeys that often involve family members dying along the way.

Irish Red Cross in Limerick

In Limerick, the Irish Red Cross has over 600 members throughout the city and county who contribute over 10,000 hours voluntary service every year. This includes an extensive youth development programme which caters for 200 young people aged between 14 and 18 years old. The volunteers support our local communities by providing first aid and ambulance cover for a wide range of sporting, social and community events and by being ready to respond in times of need.

In 2014 we provided emergency assistance to Limerick communities affected by the severe flooding and storms, during the initial response and in the aftermath during the recovery phase. All of our services in Limerick are provided by volunteers who give of their time freely and without reward.

The Need for Funding

Without the assistance of our donors we could not provide the services that our communities need. Today we are asking schools to support our work by organising a fundraising event in aid of the Irish Red Cross.  All of the funds raised will be used to support both the Irish Red Cross Migration Crisis Appeal and the Irish Red Cross work in Limerick, with 50% of the funds raised allocated to each.