Today we are announcing that we are looking for the next generation of young First Aiders, doers, thinkers and leaders between 14 and 16 years old from the greater Limerick City and County community. Have you got what it takes to become the next generation of heroes?
Practical First Aid
Our primary aim in your first year with us is that you will learn the basics of Practical First Aid. In a modern learning environment you will be taught the theory of these first aid emergencies before being shown practical and hands-on treatment of various medical conditions and injuries. These vary in severity from small bumps and cuts to the most serious life-threatening conditions. The final result we strive to achieve is a confident and certified young First Aider with the ability to help those in need during an emergency without risking injury to him or herself.
Irish Red Cross Youth
Once you have completed the Practical First Aid Course you will be open to various opportunities within the vast network across the Irish Red Cross, Irish Red Cross Youth and International Red Cross and Red Crescent societies. You will start as a Cadet and progress through the organisation gaining experience, confidence and new friends as you go.
The initial cost of the Practical First Aid Course is €40. Please note we have a minimum age of 14 years old and maximum age of 16 years old.
Locations, Registration & Times
We are based throughout Limerick City and County. For a list of locations and times of Cadet Units in Limerick City please download our flyer available here. If you are interested in joining one of our Cadet Units in East or West Limerick please email for more info. If you are interested in joining the Cadet Unit in South Limerick please see our flyer available here. Please note that places are limited and offered on a first come first served basis. Pre-registering is not available at this time.
For more information and queries please email or call our Limerick Area Office, Unit 3 Ashbourne Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick between 9am and 1pm on 087 840 0400